New Generations of People Are Becoming More and More Indistinguishable from AI

We are concerned that new generations are becoming more and more indistinguishable from AI. This is due to several factors, including the increasing availability of technology and the rise of social media.

One of the most concerning aspects of this trend is the way that new generations are rewriting previous information. In the past, people would typically come up with their ideas and opinions. However, today, it is much more common for people to simply rewrite information that they have found online. This is a trend that is being exacerbated by the rise of large language models (LLMs), which can generate text that is nearly indistinguishable from human-written text.

The problem with this trend is that it is leading to a decline in original thinking. When people simply rewrite information that they have found online, they are not engaging in critical thinking or creativity. They are simply regurgitating information that they have heard or read from someone else. This can have many negative consequences, including a decline in critical thinking skills: When people do not come up with their ideas, they do not have to think critically about the information that they are consuming. This can lead to problems, such as being easily manipulated by others.

Note that we are writing this article with some help from LLMs. We are getting dumber by the minute.

This directly leads to a decline in creativity. When people do not come up with their own ideas, they are not being creative. They are becoming unable to solve problems in new and innovative ways. Also, originality is fading away. When people simply rewrite information that they have found online, they are not being original. What are the new contributions to the world?

Is this trend inevitable?

Several things can be done to encourage new generations to come up with their ideas and opinions. Schools can focus more on teaching critical thinking skills and creativity. Parents can encourage their children to think for themselves and to come up with new ideas. And the media can promote original thinking and creativity.

We know, we are being naive in longing for this. Does media want the people to be more intelligent? Do governments long to encourage critical thinking?

The rise of social media is also contributing to this trend. Social media platforms make it easy for people to share information and ideas, but they also make it easy for people to simply copy and paste information from others. This can lead to a decline in original thinking, as people are not forced to come up with their own ideas. Just take a look at how social media platforms are automatically suggesting standard replies to posts and comments.

Are we at risk of creating a generation of people who are simply clones of each other? This would be a disaster for society, as it would stifle innovation and creativity. It is important to remember that AI is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. We need to make sure that AI is used for good, and that it does not lead to a decline in human intelligence. If not, maybe doom is waiting.

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